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web pages designed and maintained 
by  John "Eddie" Lee class of '68
The pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page.  The Memory pictures may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not offically indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated. This section of the website is dedicated to the memories of all alumni and are found in personal items that alumni have saved and were kind enough to allow it to be shared with others.  Thank You. If you are not represented in your class, or have other pictures for the memories section you may submit a photo to be added.  John “Eddie” Lee ’68.

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Woodrow Wilson
High School
Portsmouth, Virginia
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Mem 1Mem 2Mem 3Mem 4

William Rountree ( Term 1) 
Herbert Greene (Term 2)
Elizabeth Taylor
Julia Pendergraph
Allen Carr, Jack Tennant   
Catherine Markham 
Katherine B. Woodward
Ames, Oscar 
Beamon, Roger 
Brown, Charles 
Bond, Roeert 
Bowen, Joseph  
Carson. Teddy 
Corprew, Raymond 
Carr, Allen 
Davis, Jack 
Griffin, William 
Green, Herbert 
Gordon, Maurice 
Goldblatt, Benny 
Guld, Irving 

Alexander, Bessie 
Andrews, Alice 
Batts, Ruth 
Brinkley, Erma 
Brittain, Elsie  
Bunting, Alona 
Busby, Emily 
Browne, Mabel 
Cimino, Mart 
Culpepper, Virginia 
Cooper, Mildred 
Coi.ein, Hazel 
Cuthriell, Inez 
Creecy, Emma 
Clements, Elsie 
DeBerry, Nancy 
Ellis, Lillian 
Foreman, Olivia 
Glickman, Saul 
Jernigan, Curtis 
Jones, Howard 
Jones, Talton  
Laughon, Willard
Levin, David 
Mason, Rudolph 
Markman, Max 
MacKenzie, Henry 
McPherson, Russell 
Owens, George  
Partin, Stanley 
Petzinger, Fred 
Pope, Arthur  

Frey, Dorothy 
Foster, Virginia 
Ginsburg, Sylvia 
Hodges, Amelia
Harwood, Elizabeth 
Hudgins, Lois  
Hesketh, Anna 
Jarrett, Doris 
Johnston, Emma 
Jacobson, Celia 
Kaplan, Ella 
Kaplan, Fannie 
Leibrecht, Ina
Markman, Esther 
Mirvis, Anna 
Maupin, Elizareth 
Markham, Catherine
Nash, Hazel
Parker, Lemuel
Parker, Millard
Rountree, William 
Radcliff, Edward
Rice, John
Spicer, Herbert
Stewart, Herbert
Sheren, Ben
Smith, Marion
Tyler, Willoughby
Tennant, Jack
Williams, Raymond
Williams, Rawlings
Wiley, John

​Pendergraph, Julia 
Paterson, Elsie
Robertson, Mary
Robertson, Virginia
Robertson, Evelyn
Shaw, Eleanor
Solomon, Mollie
Sessoms, Roselyn
Shaughnessy, Mildred
Sadler, Gladys
Seaborn, Mary
Skeeter, Grace
Snyder, Edith 
Turner, Iday
Tayior, Elizabeth 
Vaughan, Doris
Warren, Annie
Wilkins, Florence 
Sk. J. Leon Codd
Srta. Sarah M. Felt
Srta. Mary B. Brittingham
Sr. R. I.. Sweeney
Virginia Robertson
Helen Haines
Annie Warren
Christine BeVille
Elsie Clements 
Helen Haines
Virginia Thomas
Mildred Deans
Miss Rawles, Miss James, Miss Williams, Miss Mays
Marie Jeste
Program Chairman
Membership Chairman
Social Chairman
Service Chairman
Girl Reserve Secretary
Averitt, Evelyn
Bain, Helen
Baker, Elsie 
Ballard, Frances
Batts, Ruth
BeVille, Audrey
Blanchard, Ruth
Brady, Margaretta
Branch, Harriet
Bridges, Helen
Brinkley, Ellen
Bourke, Lucy
Burton, Elizabeth
Busby, Emily
Carroll, Ella
Cassell, Lillian 
Charlton, Mary
Coleman, Mae
Conner, Alice 
Cooper, Mildred
Cox, Elizabeth 
Cox, Lorene
Carmine, Ruth
Crumpler, Marjorie
Cuthriell, Inez 
Dashiell, Eleano
DeBerry, Nancy
Duling, Jeanette 
Dunn, Elizabeth 
Duvall, Helene
Eggleston, Lucy
Forrest, Catherine
Frey, Dorothy
Green, Gertrude
Gregg, Elsie 
Grimes, Daisy
Hall, Irma Frances
Hall, Olivia 
Herbert, Ethel
Hinman, Elsie 
Hine, Lela
Hutchins, Charlotte
Ironmonger, Marion
Irving, Rosa Lee
Johnston, Emma
Lowe, Jean
Lund, Louise 
Mackenzie, Martha
Markham, Catherine
Maupin, Elizabeth 
McEachern, Mildred
Mero, Sybil
Miller, Jane
Moore, Mabel
Morgan, Marie
Murdoch, Mary P. 
Pendergraph, Mary Va. 
Pendergraph, Julia
Pope, Claudia
Porter, Ruth
Powers, Frances
Pugh, Mary Wilson
Roberts, Idoline 
Robertson, Mary
Rodgers, Alga
Sallinger, Gladys
Savage, Willie
Seaborn, Mary
Seaborn, Maude
Sessoms, Doris
Smith, Catherine
Spicer, Dorothy
Thornton, Catherine
Waller, Louise 
Warren, Cynthia
Ward, Ruth
West, Lucy Lee
Willard, Estelle 
Yarborough, Virginia
Christine Foote 
Milton Goldberg 
Bennie Katz
Elizabeth Taylor
R. Ernest King

First Violins
 Milton Goldberg
Clarence Williams
Hilary Hux

Eleanor Shaw

Alto Horn
 Donald Shaw
Lloyd Beale
Ben Katz
Dana Reaser
Peter Moncovitch
Second Violins 
Sam Schnitzer 
Vernon Higginbotham
Philip Emmanuel


 Jerome Zentz 
Lindsay Eve

Russell Richardson

Elliott Copeland

 David Harrel 
Rudolph Robertson

Drums and Bells 
Aaron Behrman

 Elizabeth Taylor 
Alice Powell
William Griffin
William Johnson
Woodland Pusey
Israel Reuben
Mary Fentress 
Mary Hodges
Robert Lowe
Owen Williams
Norman Riggins
Gary Sharpe
Ray Cutler
Christine Foote
Annie Kat
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Foster, Alma
Flournoy, Mary Lou
Foote, Christine
Grimes, Thelma
Hood, Mildred
Hall, Olivia Harris, 
Viola Hamar, 
Willie Lou

Morgan, Virginia
Norris, Ruth
Robertson, Mary

Martignette, Michael

Drewry, Paul
Parker, Millard
Rowe, Jame
Ballard, Louise
BeVille, Christine 
Bryan, Virginia
Bowden, Theis
Barnes, Lillie Mae
Dulinc, Jeannette
Deans, Mildred
Foreman, Olivia

F.pperson, Mildred
Eggleston, Lucy
Green, Lucy
Hines, Jane

Bernard, Donald
Brinkley, Francis 
Doleman, Emme
Jackson, Frances 
Myers, Virginia
Peale, Marion
Parker, Virginia
Pendergraph, Mary Va
Sessoms, Doris 
Waller, Louise 
Young, Marion

Shaw, Eleanor
Thomas, Virginia
Tinsley, Frances
Williams, Ruth

Spear, Bob
Wilkinson, Linwood
Williams, Rawlings