1961 Class Roster
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by  John "Eddie" Lee class of '68
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Woodrow Wilson
High School
Portsmouth, Virginia
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1961 Faculty & Staff
Faculty & Staff
1960 Class Roster
Class Roster
1961 Sports
Triple Trio . . . . charming blend of voices 
Margaret Benthall, Nancy Catlett, Mary Newton, Sandra Schwartz, Nancy Harcum, Connie Mowbrey, Alice Eavey, Anita Richardson, Carol Tarr, Mr. Dickie Barnes, Accompanist. 
Proving Grounds for Future Vocalists 
Mr. Barnes puts fourth period vocal class through its paces. 
Melody - Anns . . . . . . . Melody - Aires 
First row: Nancy Jo Harcum, Sandra Schwartz, Anna Fay Grayson. Second row: Margaret Benthall, Connie Mowbray, Mary Alice Newton, Anita Richardson, Alice Eavey, Betty Manahan, Carol Tarrh, Nancy Catlett, Linda Croft, Mr. Richard Barnes, 

First row: Buddy Thompson, Wayne Troester, Alan Gauthier, Curt Wilson. Second row: Mr. Richard Barnes, Brooke Jennings, Calvin Trueblood, John Hinton, Charles Vaden. 
Chorus Highlights Yule
Above: Mr. Barnes directs Mixed Chorus during singing of the sacred portion of program. Below. “Altogether now! One, Two, three!” Margaret, Donna, Nancy, and Susie give us that old soft shoe. 
Homerooms display true meaning of Christmas—“It’s more blessed to give than to receive” (65 baskets were presented to Salvation Army), 
Santa’s reindeer were never like this! 
Grand finale speaks for itself. 
Pat Evans, Susan Eastes, Billy Williams, Tony Gantt, Linda Metcalf, Dicky Lastings, Eileen Barnes, Arthur Henderson, Kay Moore, and Timmy Bonney put finishing touches on “family” tree. 
Glee Club - Mixed Chorus 
First row: Sharon Callagan, Barbara Spencer, Carol Tarrh, Sherry Kirshon, Donna Hitchcock, Sylvia Laughon, Betty Staton, Ann White, Linda Martin, Connie Mowbray, Joyce Lewis, Faye Daughtrey, Alice Edwards. Second row: Donna Williford, Betsy Carter, Kathy Broda, Peggy Hadnot, Sally Ellis, Phyllis Bevins, Betty Hill, Rowena Powell, Joyce Houghton, Mary Anne Viola, Linda Croft, Pat Sessoms. Third row: Patricia Twiddy, Brenda Harvell, Pam Herbert, Linda Smith, Sandra Hughes, Mildred Baker, Chery] Cosner, Carolyn Lassiter, Ronnie Salasky, Phyllis Gillenwaters, Delores Carter (Not pictured-Sandra Britt, Donna Langley.) 

Amy Eure, John Grayson, Keith Harrell, Talmadge Carey, Dukie Woodard, Wayne Troester, Brenda Elliott, Susie Parker. Second row: Betty Manahan, Janis Smith, William Knox, Tommy Lewis, Brooke Jennings, Jessie Holland, John Hinton, Bob Clayton, Jimbo Ponton, Buddy Thompson, Margaret Benthall, Judy Sipes, Nancy Catlett. Third row: Linda Rock, Irene Ellis, Rita Bellomy, Curt Wilson, Charles Vaden, Calvin Trueblood, Jerry Asble, Gary Owens, Sonny Wellons, Brenda Bennett, Pat Laughon, Rosemary Batten, Lisa Louthian. Fourth row: Kay Moore, June Knowles, Anna Fay Grayson, Faye Harrell, Jean Hendrix, Nancy Jo Harcum, Sandy Schwartz. Fifth row: Diane Miller, Mae Perkins, Mary Alice Newton, Ann Dowd, Alice Gorrell, Alice Eavey, Mary Martin Keel, Clemmie Hall, Beverly King, Carol Skunberg.

“Snow Ball” Time 
Intermission time with Leslie Bowman, Gayle 
Starkey, Lawton Baker and Sandra Schodt. 
Looks as if Bobby Turner is proud of the crown placed on 
Snowball Queen Fan Helsel. 
After watching A. T. and Nancy, the Murray’s 
had better look to their laurels! 
"Camera shy, Dicky? Pat isn't!"
“Linda and Ann look like they’re on ‘cloud 
nine. Can’t say we blame them!”