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web pages designed and maintained 
by  John "Eddie" Lee class of '68
The pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page.  The Memory pictures may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not offically indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated. This section of the website is dedicated to the memories of all alumni and are found in personal items that alumni have saved and were kind enough to allow it to be shared with others.  Thank You. If you are not represented in your class, or have other pictures for the memories section you may submit a photo to be added.  John “Eddie” Lee ’68.

Woodrow Wilson
High School
Portsmouth, Virginia
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Prince Royal lays a well deservedspanking on Princess Dulcie.
For the big performance, Stasia applies the final touches to Leslie's face
The ladies in waiting complain to King Stoutheart, Staunch and True.
The three fairy godmothers and the king are startled by Princess Dulcie's "present. "
    Wilson's Drama Club took its first children's play, "Three Fairy Godmothers," on tour of several elementary schools in the fall. The play was well received at Churchland Elementary, Academy Park, and Court Street Academy. Drama Club members enjoyed. the performances as much as the children did because of the unforseen "backstage" comedy as well as "onstage" events which were not part of the play.
    For instance, they played in the activity room at one school with no stage, and the stage crew worked in full view of the audience. One of the cast members became ill and Mrs. Quirin had to play the role. What was it? The wicked witch, of course. Props fell apart during one scene; a wasp was an uninvited 'cast member, and several other unexpected things happened. What did they do in the face of such adversity? They did what any hardworking drama student must do. They laughed and said: "On with the show!"
The three fairy godmothers seemto be "wrapped up" for this scene.
on the' road with
"three fairy godmothers"
a truly shocking experience
    "Host to a Ghost," the Fall Play, was certainly a shocking experience-both for the cast and the audience. A larger than expected audience viewed the ear-popping cries of the ghost of Suzanna Crane. Because it was Halloween weekend, three huge pumpkins were given away.
    The play dealt with the Centennial Celebration of the city of Cedar Crest and the problems the Roberts' family encountered with their children, their boarders, and their ghost.
    Members of the cast included: Brian Kodmon as Richard Roberts, Lisa Cobb as Bernice Roberts, Gayle Montague as Ann Marie Roberts, Kelly Cary as Louise Roberts, Charlotte Frye as Miss Mitzi, Janet Evans as Miss Porter, Pamela Rhodes as Gracie, Wade Goodwin as Dan, David Foster as Henry, George Davis as Mr. Blakelv, Greg Vass as John Moore, and Sherry Forbes as the Ghost. The extras included: Gwen' Adams, Conrad Vaughn,
The ghost scares the wits out of Henry.
Billy Frye, Mindy Silberstein, Kathy
Knight, Meredith McPhearson, Brad
Montague, and Melanie Haley. The play was directed by Mrs. Elizabeth Quirin.
Mr. Roberts explains to his wife that morn-ings are for sleeping-not for working.
Ann Marie and Gracie rehearse the Indian dance for the Centennial
John Moore does not seem to be interested in the unattractive, simple Miss Porter.
first ladies
FRONT ROW: Leslie Nunamaker, Chrystal Hoggard, Carol Topping, Patricia Brown, Diane Goings,Shirley Merritt. BACK ROW: Lester Harsley, Vince Thomas, Wayne Wilson, Marvin Cherry.
    Our own special Presidents and First Ladies have shared their special talents all over Tidewater. Their fine voices have been heard at the Hermitage House, Portsmouth and Manning convalescent homes, the YMCA, area churches and on ships of the Navy Atlantic Fleet. They have a proud tradition to pass on to the next year.
Mrs. Mason really gets into directing her music.
As Carol plays the piano, the remainder of the P&F L's sing a song.
AT PIANO: Judy Chesnut. FRONT ROW: Vanessa Bai- ley, Patricia Brown, Kelly Cary, Sharon West, Mildred Harper, Michelle Steele. SECOND ROW: Mary Story, Eleanor
Bell, Ethel Farrow, Jan Sawyer, Wayne Wilson.
BACK ROW: Vince Thomas, Eric Oglesby, Donald Williamson, Marvin Cherry, Moses Dingle,James Blount.
mixing up
in vogue
    Representing Wilson High at the Mc- Arthur Memorial and at the Norfolk Naval Station was the Mixed Chorus. Under the direction of Mrs. Pamela Mason, the combined choruses have performed not on Iy for the community, but also in various assemblies and special programs here at Wilson.

Mrs. Mason reflects on the events of the day.
girls' glee club
mens' ensemble
   Every chorus has its backbone. This, of course, would be its new singers. Looking forward to the rewarding years ahead are the members of the Mens' Ensemble and the Girls' Glee Club.
Myra Johnson, Janet Davis, Stephanie Manchur, Chris Hart, Barbara Kirksey, Denise Belfield, Jackie Hart, Kathy Rowley
The girls look in the direction of Mrs. Mason before beginning their song.
Representing the Mens' Ensemble is Edward Grimes.
    The Eighth Grade Mixed Chorus and the Eighth Grade Girls' Ensemble, under the direction of Mrs. Delores P. Dean, are comprised of students who like to sing and share musical experiences. They have pre-sented severa I concerts. Also, on the basis of achievement, some students were chosen to participate in the Regional Choral Festival at Cradock High School, a workshop conducted by a renowned choral clinician
FRONT ROW: Virgie Hollomon, Lori Jones, Karen Bullock, Carmelita Myeick, Patricia St. Ann. BACK ROW: Renee Inman, Belinda Perry, Terri Austin, PamelaWilliams, Sandra Kerner.
Mrs. Dean, director of the Eighth Grade Chorus.
eighth grade chorus
girls' ensemble
At left: The Girls Ensemble has performed at the Naval Hospital. FRONT ROW: Vanessa Bailey, Meredith McPherson. BACK ROW: Terri Harris, Pam Rhodes, Mary Story, Teresa Jump.
el circulo de jovenes
    Consisting of 44 members,
the Spanish Club found itself involved in numerous activities throughout the year. Among these activities were a trip to Richmond to see Jose Greco and his troupe (a cultural Spanish dance troupe), a Spanish Christmas party, and a dinner at a Spanish rest-aurant. They also participated in Foreign Language Week by assisting in presenting a play in Spanish and French, and by participating in the decla-mation contest. Finally, they journeyed to historical Florida where one of the many places they visited was the oldest city in the United States - St. Au- gustine.
George Kozak, Parliamentarian; Sidney Spence, Treasurer; Kenneth Wells, Presi-dent; Kelly Cary, Vice President.
FRONT ROW: Tammy Williams, Mark Edmondson, Mark Davis, George Kozak, Sidney Spence, Karen Herrin, Preston Fowler. BACK ROW: Treganza Wiggins, Harriet Higger, Karen Simpson, Kelly Cary, Teresa Jump, Kenneth Wells, Wayne Winborne.
Steve Wood, Michael Walden, Ronald Hollomon, Beverly Johnson, Wayne Winborne, Stanley Gause, Leslie Nunamaker.
small staff has big success
    The 1976-77 STUDENT staff was headed by editor-in-chief, Beverly Rene' Johnson. Her reporters consisted of the other five members of the Journalism class: Veronica DeBerry, Stanley Gause, Sadie Norfleet, Leslie Nunamaker, and Steve Wood.
    New to the staff and not in the Journalism class were artist Michael Walden, and reporters Wayne Winborne and Ronald Hollomon. From last year's staff, offering· some assist-ance were 
Mike Antonucci, Wanda Boone, Richard Coley, and Frances Lee .
    The staff worked closely together on planning, writing, lay-out, and actual assembly-line production of the STUDENT's six issues. They helped to fund its production through newspaper sales, advertising, and doughnut and candy sales.
    A spaghetti dinner was given in June by the sponsor, Miss Jan Berkebile to celebrate the end of a year of hard work and to present awards.
look out broadway

here comes

wilson's troupers
    The Drama Club is a vital organization here at Wilson. Its members included cheerleaders, football players, junior marshals, majorettes, and honor roll students.
    The main function of the Drama Club is to produce Wilson's various school plays. This year, the plays included the fall play, a children's play, a melodrama, the one-act plays, as well as the Senior Class play.
    The hard work of the club members cul-minated in an exciting five-day excursion to New York City. Here the students saw Broadway shows, toured the city, and dined in very fancy restaurants. This fun-filled trip was enjoyed by everyone.
    In order to have enough money to pay for this expensive trip north, the club sold raffle tickets for several items, sold a kit of items to be used as Christmas presents, sold donuts, had a yard sale, as well as collecting money off of each performance.
    Wilson's own Thespian Troupe #1238, is an elite division of the Drama Club. It is made up of those club members who have earned a certain number of points through participation in dramatic productions.
FRONT ROW: Curt Perdue, George Davis, Charlotte Frye*, Jan Sawyer, Theresa Jump, Pam Rhodes, Mary Holland*, Mrs. Quirin*, Janet Evans, Stephanie Manchur, Kelly Cary, Gayle Montague, Sharon Hopkins, Lisa Cobb,
Brian Kodmon*, Debbie Brett. LEFT LADDER (UP): David Foster, Betty Ann Eure, Mindy Silberstein*, Conrad Vaughn, Greg Vass, Stasia Krzywda. RIGHT LADDER (UP): Leslie Marcus, Gwen Adams, Kenny Wells, Meredith McPhearson, Sherry Forbes, Duke Rollins. *denotes Thespian Troupe member.
Duke, Lisa, Gayle, Charlotte, Janet, and Mrs. Quirin sell refreshments at the yard sale.
George and Meredith try to interest this youngster into buying something.
1977 Class Roster
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Memories 1Memories 2Memories 3Memories 4SportsFaculty & StaffClass Roster

1977 Sports
1977 Faculty & Staff
Faculty & Staff
1977 Class Roster
Class Roster