1995 Class Roster
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This website designed and maintained by John "Eddie" Lee  Class of '68
The pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page.  The Memory pictures may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not offically indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated. This section of the website is dedicated to the memories of all alumni and are found in personal items that alumni have saved and were kind enough to allow it to be shared with others.  Thank You. If you are not represented in your class, or have other pictures for the memories section you may submit a photo to be added.  John “Eddie” Lee ’68.

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Woodrow Wilson
High School
Portsmouth, Virginia
19945Faculty & Staff
Faculty & Staff
1995 Class Roster
Class Roster
1995 Sports
Mem 1Mem 2Mem 3Mem 4Mem 5FacultySports 1Sports 2Sports 3Sports 4

"Reflections of Love"
      Amber and Phil enjoy prom together.                             Susan and Jennifer, friends forever!!! 
King and Queen Candidates  
Lamark Holley and Lavonya Blowe 
King and Queen Candidates
Michael Cumbia and Amanda Monell 
King and Queen Candidate
Randy Boone and Teresa Seabron 
King Candidate 
Joe Jarman 
Homecoming King and Queen | 
Randy Boone and Lavonya Blowe 
Mr. and Ms. Senior 
Phil West and Tameka Hicks  
Mr. and Ms. Junior 
Robert Stitt and Andrea Wilson
Mr. and Ms. Sophomore 
Kenyuan Wilson and Lana Edwards 

    Spirit week is always the week preceding the Homecoming game and this year it was October lOth-l4th. That Monday, the week began with Mix-Match Day. Tuesday was Oldies Day and Wednesday was Switch Day. On Thursday everyone saw double because it was Twin Day. The culmination of Spirit Week was Friday with School Colors Day. The Homecoming Assembly and Pep Rally were held on this day. The purpose of the Assembly was to introduce the court to the student body. The Freshman Representatives were Brooke Smith and Alonzo Copeland, Mr. and Miss Sophomore were Lana Edwards and Kenyuan Walker, the Junior Representatives were Andrea Wilson and Robert Stitt, and the Senior class was represented by Phil West and 
Tameka Hicks. Finalists for Homecoming King were Michael Cumbia, Joe Jarman, LaMark Holley, and Randy Boone. The Queen Finalists were Mandy Monell, Teresa Seabron, Lavonya Blowe, and Latoya Austin. The 
pep rally after the assembly was to excite the student body before the game. The drum section of the band played and the cheerleaders did a few cheers. Even the football players got into the mood because some 
of them did a few cheers with the cheerleaders to end a very exhausting, but exciting day of school. That night was the game. The weather was terrible, it had been raining all day and continued to rain that night, 
but the game was played anyway. The Presidents were defeated by Oscar Smith by a score of 26 to I5. On an upbeat note, though, Homecoming King and Queen were Randy Boone and Lavonya Blowe. 
Mr. and Ms. Freshman 
Alonzo Copelsnd and Brooke Smith
Tabitha Miller, Homecoming Assistant and Kim Bonner, Homecoming Chairperson.