1938 Class Roster
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web pages designed and maintained 
by  John "Eddie" Lee class of '68
The pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page.  The Memory pictures may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not offically indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated. This section of the website is dedicated to the memories of all alumni and are found in personal items that alumni have saved and were kind enough to allow it to be shared with others.  Thank You. If you are not represented in your class, or have other pictures for the memories section you may submit a photo to be added.  John “Eddie” Lee ’68.

Woodrow Wilson
High School
Portsmouth, Virginia
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Lucrece Niemeyer
George Melcher
Bobbie Adams
Theodosia MacKenzie 
Mary Mathews
Margaret Ashberry
Emily Sewell
Bruce Jones 
Lee West
Mildred Williams
James Jones 
Emory Smith 
Hope Eorrest
Miss Devilbiss, Mr. Padden
Director of Publicity
Director of Public Service
Director of Traffic
Director of Lunch Room
Class 37½ Representative
Senior Representative
Junior Representative
Sophomore Representative 
Freshman Representative
Monogram Representative
“Student” Representative
Natalie Hawkins
Mabel Smith 
Ethel Lindsay
Emily Sewell
Ralph Kirby
Eloise Rawles
Lynn Alley
News Editor
Feature Editor
Feature Editor
Sports Editor
Make-up Editor
Art Editor
Theodosia MacKenzie, Wallace Sanderlin, Marion Sumner, Henry Lawrence, Anne Hitch,
Margaret Howard, Caroline Knight, George Blanford, Bobby Blanford, Harry Cox,
Jack. Codd, Fred Manneschmidt, Elizabeth Deans, Elizabeth Silvester, Elizabeth Ann Parker
Billy Beck, Mary Louise Morris, Barbara Drewery, Lois Piizer, Margaret Munson, Cooper
Bell, Jean Goodson, Martha Vaughan, Emory Smith, Beverly Weiner, Esther Goldspinner,
Margaret Brewer, Loraine Dunne, Anne Beale Scott, Ora Lee Vann, T. C. Jones, Amos
Bonneville, Jacob Sackstein, George White

Catherine McDonald, Faie Livermon, Inez DeGraw, Hope Forrest, Katherine Beaton, Melrose Reynolds, Doris Wise
Frank Nash Bilisoly 
George Foote 
Bill Pope 
Business Manager
Circulation Manager
Advertising Manager
Richard J. Davis, Bobby Adams, Walter Gresham, Bernard Levin, John Underwood
Miss Clyde White 
Miss Margarette Gage 
Joan Tallman
Ellen Oast 
Anne Fitchette
Ann Hitch
Reed Hargroves
Miss F. Virginia Griffith
Chairman of Program Committee
Ash, Margaret
Askew, Edna
Brewer, Phyllis
Briggs, Carolyn
Carr, Evelyn
Cogen, Harriett
Codd, Vienna
Crumplet, Julia
Davis, Mary
Dettemer, Pauline
Dodson, Frances
Dominitz, Fwa
Driscoll, Betty
Evangelo, Pauline
Fentress, Mildred
Gold, Sherwood
Goldspinner, Miriam
Grimes, Frances
Gurly, Mavia
Hatchell, Bernice
Hathaway, Willie Belle
Hodges, Rose 
Hunt Norma
Hurst, Jean
Johnson, Fairly Mae
Jolliff Dorothy
Jones, Winifred
Lowe, Virginia
Marks, Jaqcuelyn
Mercer, Martha Ann
Mingis, Charlotte
Murphy, Bernice
Murphy, Minnie Kathryn
Pearce, Irene
Pearce, Margie
Pugh, Thelma
Reynolds, Dorothy
Ricks, Florencf
Ricks, Marion
Sawyer, Margaret
Scott, Anne
Scott, Shirley
Silverman, Libby
Silvester, Elizabeth
Sipfle, Marion
Skeeter, Marion
Smith, Eleanor
Sorokc, Mildred
Stroud, Martha
Taylor, Gloria
Tretola, Antonette
Weinberg, Helen
Weddle, Jean
Wilkins, Anne
Williams, Mildred
Woodard, Margaret
Emily Seweli
Wallace Sanderlin
Jennie Pugh
Esther Goldspinner
Miss Zaidee Smith
Baum, Parker 
Bonneville, Amos 
Codd, Jack 
Hale, Robert 
Joyner, Joe 
Lawrence, Henry
Levine, Bernard
Motley, Ryland
Sanderlin, Wallace
Schapiro, Edward
Smith, Emory
Barrick, Virginia 
Boyette, Peggy Lou 
Coggins, Edwina 
Cox, Louise 
Dominitz, Eva 
Goldspinner, Esther 
Goldspinner, Miriam 
Goodson, Jean 
Graves, Mary 
Hanvey, Mariam 
Henry, Angie 
Henry, June 
Hobbs, Vera 
Holland, Selma 
Holloman, Alyse 
Hunt, Annabelle
Jolliff, Mae
Jones, Vernell
Levine, Heromie
Marcue, Florence
McDonald, Catherine
Moore, Carolyn
Morgan, Virginia
Oliver, Jacquelyn
Pugh, Jennie
Pugh, Rebecca
Reynolds, Melrose
Sanderlin, Gerladine
Sewell, Emily
Simmons, Mildred
Sumner, Marion
Whitt, Susie 
Wilkinson, Mary
All the pages in this section of the website may take tme to load as it is made up of pictures and graphics.   Every effort has been made to make them as small and fast loading as possible.
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