1938 Class Roster
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web pages designed and maintained 
by  John "Eddie" Lee class of '68
The pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page.  The Memory pictures may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not offically indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated. This section of the website is dedicated to the memories of all alumni and are found in personal items that alumni have saved and were kind enough to allow it to be shared with others.  Thank You. If you are not represented in your class, or have other pictures for the memories section you may submit a photo to be added.  John “Eddie” Lee ’68.

Woodrow Wilson
High School
Portsmouth, Virginia
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Emmett Storey
Wyatt Thompson
Frank Bilisoly 
Richard J. Davis
Julian Moore
R. Lee Johnson
Adams, Ames
Baker, Edwin
Beck, Billy
Blanford, Bobby
Blanford, George
Borum, James
Cox, Harry
Foote, George
Friend, Carlisle
Friend, Edwin
Fry, Leslie
Gresham, Walter
Jones, Warren
King, Hudson
Kirby, Ralph
Levin, Bernard
Moore, Julian
Pope, William
Underwood, John
West, Buddy
Whitley, Claude
Whittaker, Wilbur
Eloise Rawles
Carolyn Moore
Mildred Simmons
Emory Smith 
Miss Marjorie Codd
Miss Emily Dashiell
Miss Louise Mays
Adams, Bobbie
Asbell, George
Baum, Parker
Bonneville, Amos
Codd, Jack
Davis, Richard
Dixon, Walter
Foote, George
Friend, Carlisle Fry, 
Leslie Glynn, Jerry
Harris, Marvin
Hodges, Edward

Allen, Jacquelyn
Anderson, Mary Jo
Barrick, Virginia 
Blow, Eula Mae
Bolz, Anna Frances 
Bowen, Frances Ann 
Bowden, Alma Gray
Boyette, Peggy Lou 
Boseman, Dorothy Jean
Briggs, Carolyn
Butt, Brooke
Butterton, Muriel
Carlisle, Adelaide 
Cobb, June
Coggins, Edwina
Cooke, Catherine
Daniels, Lois 
Deans, Mary Elizabeth 
Dowd, Elizabeth 
Eaton, Bertha
Early, Avalon
Earnest, Ora
Eerrell, Ethel
Fletcher, Janet
Fitchette, Ann
Goldspinner, Esther
Goldspinner, Miriam
Goodson, Jean 
Greene, Beverly
Green, Evelyn
Jague, Priscilla 
Hanvey, Miriam
Henry, Angie
Houghton, Amos
Jacobson, Howard
Johnston, George
Jones, Jimmie
Keene, Ovid
Lauterbach, George
Melchior, George
Miller, Ewald
Moore, Garland
Motley, Ryland
Owens, Brownley
Owen, James

Higgins, Martha
Hitch, Ann
Hurst, Dorothy
Hoffler, Julia 
Jackson, Marian
Jolliff, Mae
Jones, Amelia
Koon, Marjorie
Lambert, Lydia
Landum, Lois 
Lawrence, Gladys
Lee, Cornelia
Levine, Hermoine
T.indsay, Ethel
Littleton, Dorothy
McDonald, Catherine
McKay, Rita
Miller, Jane
Miller, Frances 
Moore, Carolyn
Morgan, Virginia
Morris, Mary Louise 
Munson, Charlotte
Nash, Eugenia
Newbold, Doris
Oast, Ethel
Oliver, Jacquelyn
Parker, Edna
Parker, Elizabeth Ann 
Parker, Dessell
Parker, Nell
Parsons, Edward
Peterson, Walter
Robertson, Bill 
Rusher, Billy
Scott, George Albert 
Shannon, James
Smith, Emory
Storey, Emmett
Vaughan, Paul
Vick, W. H. 
West, Buddy
Willett, Norman

Parker, Vivian 
Peacock, Hazel
Pichalek, Evelyn
Purvis, Carolyn
Rawles, Eloise 
Reynolds, Melrose
Rice, Geneva
Robertson, Frances
Rogers, Dorothy
Scott, Anne Beale
Sewell, Emily
Silvester, Elizabeth 
Simmons, Mildred
Sivils, Dorothy Lee
Skipwith, Alice
Smith, Doris
Smith, Mabel
Stokes, Joice 
Sumner, Marion
Till, Virginia
Thomas, Kathleen
Tonkin, Marian
Taylor, Mary Frances 
Turlington, Lillian 
Vaughn, Frances 
Wall, Mary Alice 
Weinburg, Helen
West, Mary Owens
Westbrooke, Betty Cole
Wilkins, Anne 
Wilkins, Glenwood
Workman, Virginia
Yarbrough, Ella
Euzaceth Ann Parker
Angie Henry
Wallace Sanderlin
Genevieve Nuckols
Miss Helen Brent
Friedman, Milton
Foreman, Howard
Gallalee, Vincent
Gresham, Walter
Kiley, Charles

Barnes, Virginia
Bunkley, Ann
Coggins, Edwina
Deans, Elizabeth
Dempsey, Mary Eleanor
Driscall, Betty
Evangelo, Pauline
Farreil, Frances 
Foreman, Margaret Ann
Rodman, Lean Russell
Schapiro, Edward
Scott, George Albert
Smith, Emory
Toomer, Lamar

Goodson, Jean 
Hague, Priscilla 
Hanvey, Miriam
Hargraves, Reed
Hathaway, W'illie Bell
Hurst, Jeanne
Jolliff, Mae
Soroko, Mildred
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Frank Howell 
Edwin Campbell 
Ora Tee Vann 
Ellen Katz 
John Underwood 
Srta. Katharine B. Woodward 
Asbell, George
Averitt, Jack
Ballenttne, Jack
Barclay, Robert
Bowden, Zolley
Campbell, Edwin
Casiano, Clemen
Copeland, Alvaro
Correll, Dan
Early, Clifford
Fivecoat, James
Foote, George
Foster, Charles
Friend, Carlisle
Friend, Edwin

Anthony, Geraldine
Brownley, Virginia
Butterton, Muriel
Cooke, Rosemary
Culpepper, Doris
Daniei,, Lois 
DiPaulo, Loretta
Doar, Harriett
Eaton, Bertha
Fivecoat, Madeline
Geffecken, Edwina
Gill, Ethel
Griffin, Mary
Grimes, Jacqueline
Gurley, Mavia
Hatchell, Jean 
Hague, Priscilla 
Hogue, Marion
Jones, Phyllis
Fry, Leslie 
Gardner, Walter
Golay, Hubert
Hague, Wesley 
Johnson, Buck
Jones, Talmadge
Joyner, Joe
Kraft, George
Meyer, Gerald
Morton, Billy
Owen, James
Rushing, Walter
Underwood, John
Watson, Hugh
White, Hugh

Katz, Bessie 
Katz, Ellen
Liggan, Leone
Lee, Florence
Muse, Eloise
Oast, Ethel
Perkins, Sara 
Rawles, Eloise 
Robertson, Frances
Salmon, Alice 
Snyder, Leota 
Stoakes, Joyce
Storey, Virginia
Turville, Elaine
Vann, Ora Lee 
Warren, Leonora
Weddle, Jean
Wilson, Margaret
Wright, Martha
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